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Showing posts from May, 2021

3 powerful tips for self improvement while dating

Self-improvement is a hot topic, and a multi-billion dollar business. Just like any noisy subject with many opinions, ideas and suggestions, there are a lot of less than helpful conversations out there to consider.  Think of advice like "be more confident" and "there are plenty of fish in the sea".  Not helpful, and frankly, counterproductive for those of us that are looking for actionable advice to take into the modern dating world.  We've gathered some great advice to get you started on a path to self improvement while dating.  1. Don't focus on dating. READ THAT AGAIN!  The main focus of self-improvement should be just that - on the self. While we are looking to improve ourselves for the future relationships, family and life that we are looking to create and support in the years to come, let self-improvement be a selfish act for the benefit of future relationships.  Bottom line: if you don't know yourself well, you won't be able to share yourself
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